From: Colm McGrath <>
To: Colm McGrath <>
Date: 06/01/2017 17:58:01 UTC
Subject: Reminder...Special Seminar: Professional Negligence in the 21st Century

Dear Colleagues,


Further to the mail below, as spaces fill up I thought I would send a final reminder to anyone who would like to come along to an event the being held at the University of Bristol on 17th January.


The seminar, the second such event organised by the Journal of Professional Negligence, considers a broad range of topics in the field of professional negligence.


Registration details may be found here:


Best wishes,





Colm McGrath  

WYNG Research Fellow in Medical Law and Ethics 

Trinity Hall, Cambridge CB2 1TJ | Tel: +44 (0)1223 332818




---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Colm McGrath <>
Date: 20 December 2016 at 18:57
Subject: Special Seminar: Professional Negligence in the 21st Century
To: Colm McGrath <>

Dear Colleagues,


For those of you looking for that quick obligations hit after the relaxation of the holidays, I am very pleased to announce an event in early 2017…


With the support of Bloomsbury and the University of Bristol, the Journal of Professional Negligence will be holding a special seminar on the 17th January 2017 in Bristol.


The seminar aims to highlight issues, themes and trends in the law of professional negligence as it has been re-shaped for the 21st Century.


The following papers (including a number from list members) will be presented:


Imran Benson (Hailsham Chambers, London), ‘The liabilities of litigation funders’

Joanne Conaghan & Clare Torrible (University of Bristol), ‘Policing, Professionalism and Liability for Negligence’

Paula Giliker (University of Bristol), ‘Non-delegable duties and institutional liability for the negligence of hospital staff: Fair, just and reasonable?’

Judy Laing (University of Bristol), ‘Montgomery and the Medics: Is patient centred disclosure a standard worth waiting for?’

Ken Oliphant (University of Bristol), ‘Professionalism and professional negligence’

Keith Stanton (University of Bristol), ‘Investment Advice: Statutory and Common Law Remedies’


The papers will be published in a subsequent issue of the Journal guest edited by JPN Advisory Board member Professor Ken Oliphant.


Attendance is free and indeed all are very welcome to join us on the day but we would ask you to register.


Registration details may be found here:


Please feel free to contact me if there is any further information that would be helpful. 


Best wishes, 





Colm McGrath  

WYNG Research Fellow in Medical Law and Ethics 

Trinity Hall, Cambridge CB2 1TJ | Tel: +44 (0)1223 332818